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Notre standard 

Tel. +596 596 65 17 18

Section maternelle 

Section MaternelL'école maternelle est une étape essentielle du parcours des élèves. Lire la suite...

Section élémentaire 

Section PrimaireL'école élémentaire accueille les enfants de 6 à 10 ans. L'enfant entre Lire la suite...

Section administrative 

Section AdministrativeLe beau, le bien c'est notre rêve et nous allons vers ce qui nous élève. Lire la suite...

Calendrier EPAR 

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Nous contacter 

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education left banner

La vie scolaire 

international school imageToute l'information utile : cantine, horaire, administratif... Lire la suite

Souvenirs en partage 

album PhotoSouvenirs, souvenirs, nos plus beaux moments en partage... Lire la suite


image title

  • Layout: From the template manager select Top Layout: 3 columns and Top Grid System: 5|4|3.
  • Education Logo: Install Fade image module, publish it in the position "top1" and use module suffix: bt_nogap_bottom
  • Ask for Information: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "top2", use module suffix: bt_nogap_bottom and paste the above code in:

[fonticon icon="fa-phone-square" size="fa-lg" spin="no" style="color:#db6a4d" class=""] Tel.: 2-456-823-EDU (7387)

  • Social Icons: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "top3", use module suffix: bt_nogap_full and paste the above code in:

[social_icons] [social_icon social="facebook" link="#"] [social_icon social="twitter" link="#"] [social_icon social="vimeo" link="#"] [social_icon social="skype" link="#"] [social_icon social="google" link="#"] [social_icon social="linkedin" link="#"][/social_icons]

  • Search: Create a new module and from the pop up window select search. Publish it in the position "top3", use module suffix: bt_nogap_full. From the Basic module parameters set: Box Width: 13, Search Button: Yes, Button Position: Right, Search Button Image: No, OpenSearch autodiscovery: No and leave the other input boxes empty.


image title

  • Layout: From the template manager select Header Layout: 1 columns and Header Grid System: 12.
  • Menu: Publish your menu in the position "header1", use Menu Tag ID: bt_nav_menu and module suffix: bt_nogap _bt_nav_menu


image title

  • Layout: From the template manager select Showcase Layout: 1 columns and Showcase Grid System: 12.
  • Slider: Install the Revolution Slider and publish it in the position "showcase1".


image title

  • Layout: From the template manager select Features Layout: 3 columns and Features Grid System: 4|4|4.
  • Higher Education: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "features1" and paste the above code in:

[imageframe src="images/sampledata/small-image-1.jpg" alt="higher education image" align="left"]Choosing a course is a huge decision - one that can ultimately change your life... <a href="index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=7&amp;Itemid=129">Read more</a>

  • School Leavers: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "features2" and paste the above code in:

[imageframe src="images/sampledata/small-image-2.jpg" alt="school leavers image" align="left"]Exercise in a welcoming stress-free atmosphere or take part in a range... <a href="index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=7&amp;Itemid=129">Read more</a>

  • Online Prospectus: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "features3" and paste the above code in:

[imageframe src="images/sampledata/small-image-3.jpg" alt="online prospectus image" align="left"]Sign up to receive exclusive offers, the latest news and course information... <a href="index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=7&amp;Itemid=129">Read more</a>


image title

  • Layout: From the template manager select Mainbody Layout: 1 Left Column + Mainbody and Mainbody Grid System: 4|8. From the Template Features, Mainbody on frontpage set to "Yes".


image title

  • Special Offer: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "left", use module suffix: bt_mstyle4 and paste the above code in:

<p>[fonticon icon="fa-check" size="fa-lg" spin="no" style="color:#ffffff" class=""] Exclusive Groups.</p>
<p>[fonticon icon="fa-check" size="fa-lg" spin="no" style="color:#ffffff" class=""] Homogeneous Groups.</p>
<p>[fonticon icon="fa-check" size="fa-lg" spin="no" style="color:#ffffff" class=""] Experience and Organization.</p>
<p>[fonticon icon="fa-check" size="fa-lg" spin="no" style="color:#ffffff" class=""] Organized Circles Exams.</p>

  • Left Banner: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "left" and paste the above code in:

<p><img src="images/sampledata/left-banner.jpg" border="0" alt="education left banner" /></p>

  • Who's Online: Create a new module and from the pop up window select "Who's Online". Publish it in the position "left", use module suffix: bt_mstyle4


image title

  • International School: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "news1", use module suffix: bt_mstyle4 bt_nogap_bottom and paste the above code in:

<p>[imageframe src="images/sampledata/small-image-4.jpg" type="rounded" alt="international school image" align="left"]Choosing a course is a huge decision - one that can ultimately change your life... <a href="index.php?option=com_k2&amp;view=item&amp;layout=item&amp;id=8&amp;Itemid=150">Read more</a></p>

  • Employers' organization: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "news2", use module suffix: bt_mstyle4 bt_nogap_bottom and paste the above code in:

<p>[imageframe src="images/sampledata/small-image-5.jpg" type="rounded" alt="organization image" align="left"]Choosing a course is a huge decision - one that can ultimately change your life... <a href="index.php?option=com_k2&amp;view=item&amp;layout=item&amp;id=8&amp;Itemid=150">Read more</a></p>


image title

  • Admissions: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "banner1", use module suffix: bt_nogap_top and paste the above code in:

<img class="img-responsive" src="images/sampledata/main-content-banner-1.jpg" border="0" alt="main content banner 1" />

  • Creative Writing: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "banner2", use module suffix: bt_nogap_top and paste the above code in:

<img class="img-responsive" src="images/sampledata/main-content-banner-2.jpg" border="0" alt="main content banner 2" />


image title

  • About Education: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "bottomup1", use module suffix: bt_mstyle1 bt_two_columns_list and paste the above code in:

<li><a href="#">History of Education</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact Us</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Feedback Form</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Help Center</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Privacy Policy</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Career Center</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Class Management</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Childhood Channel</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Ed World's Team</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Newsletters</a></li>

  • Contact Us: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "bottomup2", use module suffix: bt_mstyle1 and paste the above code in:

<div class="form-group"><label for="exampleInputEmail1">Email address</label> <input id="exampleInputEmail1" class="form-control" type="email" /></div>
<div class="form-group"><textarea class="form-control" rows="3"></textarea>
<p class="help-block">Please write your message.</p>
<div class="checkbox"><label> <input type="checkbox" /> Subscribe to our Newsletter </label></div>
<p><button class="btn btn-default">Send</button></p>

  • Education Inc.: Create a custom module, publish it in the position "bottomup3", use module suffix: bt_mstyle1 and paste the above code in:

<p>You could also just have an overview and use the link below to link to you full about us page.</p>
<address><strong>PetCare Insurance Inc.</strong><br /> 782 Mariage Ave, Suite 200<br /> San Francisco, CA 93108<br /> <abbr title="Phone">P:</abbr> (123) 456-7890</address><address><strong>Full Name</strong><br /> <a href="mailto:">Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.</a></address>
<p>[social_icons] [social_icon social="facebook" link="#"] [social_icon social="flickr" link="#] [social_icon social="rss" link="#"] [social_icon social="twitter" link="#"] [social_icon social="linkedin" link="#"] [/social_icons]</p>


image title

  • Layout: From the template manager select Footer Layout: Copyright Icon + Copyright Message + Go Top Icon and Footer Grid System: 2|8|2.

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